What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause refers to the transitional phase leading up to menopause, the point in a woman’s life when she stops menstruating permanently. This phase can begin several years before menopause, typically occurring in a woman’s 40s, but it can start as early as the 30s.

What is Perimenopause?

During perimenopause, the ovaries gradually begin to produce less estrogen, which is the primary female sex hormone. The duration of perimenopause varies but typically lasts from 4 to 8 years, culminating in menopause once a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. The onset and progression of perimenopause can differ significantly among women, making it a uniquely personal experience. Coping with its symptoms often involves lifestyle adjustments, hormone therapy, and other treatments tailored to individual needs and symptoms.

Mature skin

skin concerns

Are you affected?

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years, typically occurring between the ages of 45 and 55. Understanding whether you are entering or experiencing menopause can help you manage its symptoms more effectively. If you're experiencing several of the symptoms, you may be entering menopause. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider who can provide guidance and treatment options tailored to your specific symptoms. Managing menopause effectively can greatly improve your quality of life during this natural transition.


Natural Decline in Reproductive Hormones

As women age, their ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone—hormones that regulate menstruation—and their fertility declines. Eventually, the ovaries stop releasing eggs altogether, leading to the cessation of menstruation and the onset of menopause.

Ovary Removal (Oophorectomy)

Surgical removal of the ovaries, which produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone, immediately induces menopause. This is because the body no longer produces these hormones at levels necessary to maintain the menstrual cycle.

Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy

Cancer treatments can induce menopause, occurring abruptly or prematurely. While chemotherapy attacks rapidly dividing cancer cells, it can also affect the functioning of the ovaries. Radiation treatments directed near the pelvic area can similarly affect ovarian function.

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

About 1% of women experience menopause before the age of 40 (premature menopause). This condition, known as primary ovarian insufficiency, is characterized by the underperformance of the ovaries and the inadequate production of reproductive hormones. It can be caused by genetic factors or autoimmune diseases but often occurs without a known reason.

Chronic Diseases

Certain chronic conditions like tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus can also precipitate earlier menopause. The transition into menopause can vary widely among women. Understanding the causes and effects of this transition can help manage the symptoms more effectively and prepare for changes in the body that accompany this stage of life.

Genetics causing skin concerns
Hormonal changes decline in hormones
Surgical Removal
Mature Skin image

Identifying Characteristics of Perimenopause

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles: As estrogen levels fluctuate, menstrual cycles can become longer, shorter, or irregular, and periods may be lighter or heavier than usual.
  • Menopause Symptoms: Women may begin to experience symptoms commonly associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness.
  • Changes in Fertility: While fertility decreases during perimenopause due to less frequent ovulation, it is still possible to become pregnant until menopause is reached.
  • Irregular Periods: One of the earliest signs of menopause is changes in menstrual cycle regularity. Your periods may become irregular, lighter, heavier, or more sporadic before stopping entirely.
  • Hot Flashes: A very common symptom, hot flashes are sudden feelings of warmth, usually most intense over the face, neck, and chest, which can cause blushing and sweating.
  • Night Sweats and Sleep Problems: Many women experience night sweats and may have trouble sleeping well, often due to hot flashes or insomnia.
  • Mood Changes: Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to increased feelings of irritability, anxiety, or depression.
  • Vaginal Dryness: Decreased estrogen levels can lead to vaginal dryness, which may cause discomfort during intercourse.
  • Thinning Hair and Dry Skin: Lower hormone levels may result in thinner hair and drier skin as collagen decreases.
  • Loss of Breast Fullness: Hormonal changes may cause the breasts to lose their fullness and firmness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is pre-menopause? 
Pre-menopause refers to the period in a woman’s life before the onset of menopause. It includes the years when her body begins to make gradual changes towards menopause, primarily characterized by changes in menstrual cycle regularity and the initial appearance of menopausal symptoms.

How can I tell if I’m in pre-menopause? 
Signs that you might be entering pre-menopause include irregular periods, changes in menstrual flow, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and changes in libido. If you notice these changes, it might be an indication that you are transitioning towards menopause.

What can I do to alleviate symptoms of pre-menopause? 
Lifestyle adjustments such as maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management can help manage symptoms. Additionally, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other medications can be effective in alleviating symptoms but should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

Are there any non-hormonal treatments available for pre-menopause symptoms?
Yes, there are several non-hormonal treatments that can help manage symptoms, including herbal supplements like black cohosh, phytoestrogens, and vitamin E. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other forms of counseling might also help manage mood swings and emotional changes.

How long does pre-menopause last? 
The duration of pre-menopause varies for each woman but typically lasts from a few months to several years. Most women enter menopause around the age of 51, but pre-menopause can start in the 40s or even earlier.

Can I still get pregnant during pre-menopause? 
Yes, pregnancy is still possible during pre-menopause as ovulation may still occur, though less regularly. If pregnancy is not desired, continue using contraception until you’ve had one year without a menstrual period.

What are the best dietary changes to support health during pre-menopause? 
Incorporating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is crucial to support bone health as estrogen levels decline. Foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can also help manage inflammation and support overall health.

How can I improve my sleep during pre-menopause? 
Establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding stimulants like caffeine and electronic devices before bedtime can improve sleep quality. Consider relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to help manage sleep disturbances.

What should I discuss with my healthcare provider regarding pre-menopause?
Discuss all symptoms, treatment options, and their benefits and risks. It’s also important to talk about your overall health, how pre-menopause may impact existing health conditions, and any preventive measures you should take during this transition.

Is it normal to feel anxious or depressed during pre-menopause?
Yes, hormonal changes can impact your mood, contributing to feelings of anxiety and depression. It’s important to discuss these feelings with your healthcare provider, as effective treatments are available to help manage these symptoms.

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Perimenopause Myths

Myth: Pre-menopause symptoms are the same for every woman. 
The experience of pre-menopause can vary significantly from woman to woman. Some may experience severe symptoms, while others may have mild or no noticeable changes. The type and intensity of symptoms are influenced by various factors including genetics, lifestyle, and overall health.

Myth: You can’t get pregnant during pre-menopause. 
While fertility declines during pre-menopause due to less frequent ovulation, it is still possible to conceive. Women should continue using contraception until reaching full menopause, defined as one full year without a menstrual period.

Myth: Pre-menopause only affects older women.
Though most women begin experiencing pre-menopausal changes in their 40s, it can start earlier. Factors such as genetics, surgery, or certain health conditions can induce early pre-menopause, sometimes as early as the mid-30s.

Myth: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is necessary for managing pre-menopause. 
HRT can be an effective treatment for managing symptoms in some women but is not necessary for everyone. Non-hormonal treatments, lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies can also significantly alleviate symptoms.

Myth: Pre-menopause symptoms are merely physical. 
The hormonal fluctuations during pre-menopause can also affect emotional and mental health. Many women experience mood swings, anxiety, and depression during this transition phase.

Myth: If your mother had a difficult pre-menopause, you will too.
While genetics play a role in menopause, each woman’s experience is unique. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and stress management also significantly influence the severity of symptoms.

Myth: Pre-menopause marks the beginning of a rapid health decline. 
Many women remain vibrant, healthy, and active well into post-menopause. Adopting a healthy lifestyle during pre-menopause can help manage symptoms and maintain health and vitality.

Myth: There’s nothing you can do to ease pre-menopause symptoms except wait it out.
There are many strategies to manage pre-menopause symptoms effectively. These include dietary adjustments, regular exercise, stress reduction techniques, and medical treatments tailored to individual needs.

How Can We Help?

At FTT Skin Clinics, we understand how challenging living with pre-menopause can be, affecting not just your skin but also your confidence and well-being. Our dedicated team of skincare professionals is here to help with a range of effective pre-menopause treatments and personalized care plans designed to suit your unique skin type and concerns

Microneedling involves using a device equipped with fine needles to create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin. This controlled skin injury triggers the body's natural wound healing processes, stimulating collagen and elastin production.

Microneedling is a highly effective rejuvenation treatment that can be particularly beneficial for women experiencing pre-menopausal skin changes. As estrogen levels begin to fluctuate and decline during pre-menopause, many women notice changes in their skin’s texture, elasticity, and overall appearance. Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, can address these concerns by promoting the skin’s natural healing processes and enhancing its overall quality and appearance.

Benefits of Microneedling for Pre-Menopause Skin Rejuvenation:

Improves Skin Texture and Firmness: As collagen production increases, the skin regains its firmness and elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that may start to appear during pre-menopause.

Enhances Skin Hydration: By improving the skin’s barrier function, microneedling can help retain moisture more effectively, addressing the dryness that often accompanies hormonal changes in pre-menopause.

Reduces Hyperpigmentation: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to uneven skin tone and dark spots, commonly seen during pre-menopause. Microneedling helps in dispersing pigment granules in the skin, thus evening out skin tone and reducing hyperpigmentation.

Increases Product Efficacy: The micro-channels created by microneedling allow for better absorption of topical treatments, making skincare products more effective. This is particularly beneficial for pre-menopausal women using targeted treatments like anti-aging serums or creams.

Minimally Invasive with Minimal Downtime: Unlike more invasive procedures, microneedling offers a minimally invasive solution with minimal downtime, making it an appealing option for busy individuals.

Promotes a Radiant Complexion: Regular microneedling sessions can improve overall skin appearance, resulting in a smoother, more radiant complexion that enhances one’s natural beauty without the need for extensive cosmetic treatments.


While microneedling is a safe procedure for most skin types, it’s important for women in pre-menopause to consult with a dermatologist or skincare specialist who understands the nuances of hormonal impacts on the skin. A professional can tailor treatments to your specific skin type and concerns, ensuring both safety and effectiveness.

In summary, microneedling offers a promising solution for women seeking to rejuvenate their skin during the pre-menopausal phase. It addresses various skin concerns by harnessing the body’s own regenerative capabilities, leading to visibly younger, healthier skin.


Treatment Time

60 Minutes

Visible Results


Full Recovery

Not Avaliable


Not Avaliable

Sensitivity Time




Back to Work


No. of Treatments

Not Avaliable

Perimenopause brings about various changes in the skin due to hormonal fluctuations, such as decreased collagen production, dryness, and loss of elasticity.

At FTT Skin Clinics, we offer targeted facials specifically designed to address these changes, rejuvenate the skin, and restore its youthful glow. Here’s how our tailored facials can effectively treat perimenopausal skin:

Customized Skincare Solutions:
Each facial at FTT Skin Clinics is customized based on an in-depth skin analysis. This personalized approach ensures that the treatments directly address the specific concerns of perimenopausal skin, such as increased dryness, sensitivity, and fine lines. Our skincare experts select products and techniques that best suit your skin’s unique needs.

Deep Hydration and Nourishment:
Perimenopausal skin often becomes drier due to decreased estrogen levels. Our facials incorporate deeply hydrating serums, masks, and moisturizers enriched with hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and essential fatty acids to replenish moisture levels and improve the skin’s barrier function. This intense hydration helps restore plumpness and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Collagen Stimulation:
To combat the loss of firmness and elasticity, our facials often include elements that stimulate collagen production. Ingredients like peptides, retinoids, or vitamin C are used to boost collagen synthesis, helping to firm and lift the skin. Techniques such as microdermabrasion or mild chemical peels may also be included to promote cell renewal and enhance the skin’s texture and tone.

Brightening and Even Skin Tone:
Hormonal changes during perimenopause can lead to uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation. Our targeted facials use brightening agents such as vitamin C, kojic acid, and licorice root extract to reduce pigmentation and promote a more even complexion. These treatments help to fade dark spots and enhance skin radiance.

Soothing and Anti-inflammatory Treatments:
Perimenopausal skin can become more reactive and sensitive. Our facials incorporate soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, and niacinamide to calm the skin and reduce redness and irritation. These ingredients help to maintain skin health and comfort.

Antioxidant Protection:
Antioxidants play a crucial role in protecting the skin from environmental damage and free radicals, which can accelerate the aging process. Our facials include potent antioxidants like vitamin E, ferulic acid, and green tea extract to protect the skin and improve its resilience.

LED Light Therapy:
Some targeted facials at FTT Skin Clinics include LED light therapy. This treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. LED light therapy enhances the overall effectiveness of the facial and provides additional benefits for perimenopausal skin.

Long-term Skin Care Planning:
Beyond immediate treatment, our facials are part of a broader skincare strategy. Clients receive a follow-up plan and recommendations for at-home skincare to maintain and enhance the results of the facial. Using targeted products at home helps sustain the effects of the professional treatment and keeps the skin looking its best.

Regular Maintenance and Follow-up:
Regular facials are recommended to maintain and enhance the results. Consistent treatments help to continually support skin health during perimenopause, adapting to changes in the skin’s needs as hormonal levels fluctuate.

Holistic Approach:
At FTT Skin Clinics, we believe in a holistic approach to skincare. Our specialists provide guidance on lifestyle and dietary factors that can impact skin health, offering comprehensive advice that complements our facial treatments.

Targeted facials at FTT Skin Clinics are an effective way to manage the skin changes associated with perimenopause. By addressing specific symptoms and providing tailored care, these facials help restore skin vitality and youthfulness, making them an essential part of managing perimenopausal skin concerns.


Treatment Time

60 Minutes

Visible Results


Full Recovery

Not Avaliable


Not Avaliable

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Back to Work


No. of Treatments

Not Avaliable

Exilis treatment involves using a device that delivers radiofrequency energy to the skin. This energy heats the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and causing the skin tissue to contract. This not only improves skin elasticity but also helps tighten and firm the skin’s appearance.

Exilis is a highly effective rejuvenation treatment that can be particularly beneficial for women experiencing pre-menopausal skin changes. As estrogen levels begin to fluctuate and decline during pre-menopause, many women notice changes in their skin’s texture, elasticity, and overall appearance. Exilis, which uses radiofrequency technology to heat the deeper layers of the skin, can address these concerns by promoting the skin’s natural collagen production and enhancing its overall quality and appearance.

Benefits of Exilis for Pre-Menopause Skin Rejuvenation:

Improves Skin Tightness and Elasticity: As the skin’s collagen levels are boosted, it becomes firmer and more elastic, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that may start to appear during pre-menopause.

Enhances Skin Contouring: Exilis can effectively contour the face and neck by tightening the skin, offering a non-surgical solution to sagging skin that can occur with hormonal changes.

Reduces Appearance of Wrinkles: The tightening effect of Exilis also smooths out wrinkles and lines, rejuvenating the facial appearance without the need for invasive procedures.

Non-Invasive with No Downtime: Exilis is a non-invasive treatment with no downtime, making it an excellent option for those with busy lifestyles who are seeking effective anti-aging solutions.

Provides Progressive Improvements: Results from Exilis improve over time, with optimal results typically seen after a series of treatment sessions. This progressive improvement allows for a natural transition to younger-looking skin.


While Exilis is safe for most skin types, it’s crucial for women in pre-menopause to consult with a dermatologist or skincare specialist who understands the hormonal impacts on the skin. A professional can tailor treatments to your specific needs and concerns, ensuring both safety and effectiveness.

In summary, Exilis offers a promising solution for women looking to rejuvenate their skin during the pre-menopausal phase. It tackles various skin concerns by enhancing the body’s collagen production, leading to visibly tighter, firmer, and more youthful skin.

plasma shower skin concerns treatments
plasma shower skin concerns treatments

Treatment Time

60 Minutes

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Full Recovery



Treatment Plan

Sensitivity Time

24 Hours


Not Avaliable

Back to Work


No. of Treatments


At Home Care Tips

At FTT Skin Clinics, we empower you with practical tips to manage pre-menopause and enhance the effectiveness of your skincare efforts. For those enduring the psychological impact of pre-menopause, seeking support and adopting a positive skincare mindset are essential steps towards healing both skin and self-esteem.

Navigating the skin changes during pre-menopause can be challenging, but with the right at-home care strategies, you can maintain healthy, vibrant skin. Here are some practical tips to help manage the common skin concerns associated with pre-menopause

Moisturize Regularly: Hormonal changes can lead to drier skin. Use a rich moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and enhance its barrier function, which is crucial for maintaining skin health and appearance.

Sun Protection: Sun damage can exacerbate aging signs and contribute to uneven skin tone. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, which are potent accelerators of premature aging.

Gentle Cleansing: Choose a gentle cleanser that doesn’t strip your skin of its natural oils, which can become more scarce during pre-menopause. Avoiding harsh soaps and cleansers will help maintain your skin’s natural balance.

Antioxidant-Rich Diet: Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can help combat the signs of aging from the inside out. Foods high in vitamins C and E, such as berries, nuts, and green leafy vegetables, can support skin health and reduce the impact of oxidative stress.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining skin hydration and elasticity. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses a day to help keep your skin plump and reduce the appearance of fine lines.

Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can improve circulation, which helps to nourish skin cells and keep them vital. Exercise also helps reduce stress, which can have a negative impact on your skin.

Enhancing Your Routine with PreMeno Glow Tretinoin

To further enhance your skincare routine, consider incorporating PreMeno Glow Tretinoin into your regimen. Tretinoin is a potent derivative of vitamin A, renowned for its ability to accelerate cell turnover, improve skin texture, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and uneven skin tone. It’s particularly effective during pre-menopause, as it combats the slowdown in cell renewal and increases collagen production, helping to counteract the effects of hormonal changes on the skin.

Using PreMeno Glow Tretinoin can provide targeted treatment to rejuvenate pre-menopausal skin, making it an excellent addition to your nightly skincare routine. Regular use can lead to significant improvements in skin tone and texture, giving your skin a healthier and more youthful appearance. As with any potent skincare product, it’s important to start slowly and follow usage guidelines to ensure the best results and minimize potential irritation.