THOCLOR LABS GF2 Skin Rejuvenation – 100ml

THOCLOR LABS GF2 Skin Rejuvenation works to reverse environmental damage on your skin giving a natural skin rejuvenation with continuous use.

THOCLOR LABS GF2 Skin Rejuvenation works on environmental damage & ageing of the skin.

The primary cause of ageing of the skin is subclinical inflammation, also known as inflammageing. Research has directly linked this to environmental factors like exposure to UV, pollution, toxins in skin products. Also due to poor lifestyle habits such as smoking. Hypochlorous acid, like that found in the GF2 product, has been scientifically proven to reverse this inflammation and “switch” off the genes responsible for inflammation, ageing & disease.

You will notice the following results with regular use:

  • The genes associated with inflammation, ageing and disease are switched off.
  • The results you get from your existing skin routine & products are boosted.
  • Skin cells begin to function normally – collagen, elastin & melanin formation is normalised. The skin becomes thicker, healthier and plumper.
  • Smoother, more tolerant skin with a more even texture & tone, fewer wrinkles & better hydration.
  • Reduction in DNA-repair protein (elevated due to ageing) meaning no more DNA faults when new cells are made.
  • Inflammation & redness on the skin massively reduced (great for sensitive skin).
  • A beneficial effect on eczema & atopic dermatitis.

GF2 stimulates a reversal of environmental damage on the skin, giving you true rejuvenation with continuous use.

Due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, GF2 has also been found to be beneficial in the treatment of acne, rosacea and cold sores. The anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties of GF2 by far exceed any known disinfectants and is completely safe to use. The anti-inflammatory action is also very effective for relieving sunburn.

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THOCLOR LABS GF2 Skin Rejuvenation – 100ml

THOCLOR LABS GF2 Skin Rejuvenation works to reverse environmental damage on your skin giving a natural skin rejuvenation with continuous use. In tests it has been shown to be 80 – 100 times more effective against viruses than bleach chlorine and it is completely safe.

THOCLOR LABS GF2 Skin Rejuvenation works on environmental damage & ageing of the skin.

The primary cause of ageing of the skin is inflammation also known as inflammageing. Research has directly linked this to environmental factors like exposure to UV, pollution, toxins in skin products. Also due to poor lifestyle habits such as smoking. Hypochlorous acid, like that found in the GF2 product, has been scientifically proven to reverse this inflammation and “switch” off the genes responsible for inflammation, ageing & disease.

You will notice the following results with regular use:

  • Inflammation, ageing and disease genes are switched off.
  • The results you get from your existing skin routine & products are boosted.
  • Skin cells begin to function normally – collagen, elastin & melanin formation is normalised. The skin becomes thicker, healthier and plumper.
  • Smoother, more tolerant skin with a more even texture & tone, fewer wrinkles & better hydration.
  • Inflammation & redness on the skin massively reduced (great for sensitive skin).
  • A beneficial effect on eczema & atopic dermatitis.

GF2 stimulates a reversal of environmental damage on the skin, giving you true rejuvenation with continuous use.

Due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, GF2 has also been found to be beneficial in the treatment of acne, rosacea and cold sores. The anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties of GF2 by far exceed any known disinfectants and is completely safe to use. The anti-inflammatory action is also very effective for relieving sunburn.

FTT Skin Clinics GF2 Trial

We have been testing out Thoclor’s GF2 Mist a few months now on perioral dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea and acne as well as skin with no concerns. It’s not scientific, but we test out all new treatments and products to make sure.  We all want youthful, wrinkle-free, glowing skin and to look our best. Many of us do have chronic skin conditions usually caused by our skin’s inflammatory response or “inflammageing”. GF2 stimulates a reversal of environmental damage on the skin, giving you true rejuvenation with continuous use. GF2 is beneficial in the treatment of acne, rosacea and cold sores due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect,

80% of the changes you see in your skin are caused by external factors, the sun, alcohol, pollution, diet, smoking and  chemicals in cosmetic products bought over the counter. They contain perfume, alcohol, preservatives and bulking agents. Your skin is your biggest organ in your body.  Skin is incredibly sensitive to these and may respond by becoming chronically inflamed.

Genes associated with inflammation, ageing and disease are switched off when you apply GF2 Mist to your skin.  Your skin cells begin to function normally, and skin becomes smoother and more tolerant.  We advise using GF2 Mist morning and night along with FTT Skin Routine best suited for your skin type.

GF2 Mist, is suitable for all skin types.  Spray on under your skincare products even Retinol.  It’s so powerful that it reboots your skin’s DNA to specifically treat chronic, inflammatory skin conditions.

At FTT Skin Clinics your most common skin issues we treat at home and in clinic are


Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition resulting in spots and pimples. GF2 Mist kills P.acnes bacteria which causes spots as well as getting rid of dead skin cells, stopping oil glands becoming blocked. It also reboots the skin’s function, bringing that extra oil back in line, as well as calming down inflammation and redness. We recommend using twice a day after cleansing with FTT Skin Routine for Acne/Oily Skin or if more severe acne, with Obagi Clenziderm.


Rosacea is a common, chronic inflammatory condition, causing flushing in your face.   Pustular rosacea (often misdiagnosed as acne) causes with red, painful lumps.  With GF2 Mist we’ve seen a significant reduction in pain, redness and inflammation with twice a day use am + pm.  We recommend FTT Skin Routine for Rosacea as your go to skin care with GF2 Mist for best results.


Pigmentation’s is often a constant, chronic, underlying inflammation of your skin that over time leads to tissue breakdown. When your skin’s structure is under attack by the sun, a deterioration of its normal function usually follows. A breakdown of your collagen and elastin in the skin leads to wrinkling and it weakened barrier function. Your melanocytes start to overproduce pigment in an effort to protect the skin. Apart from wearing SPF 50 every day we would endorse using GF2 Mist twice a day in conjunction with FTT Skin Routine for Pigmentation if mild and Obagi CRX System if moderate and if more severe Obagi Nu Derm.


“Maskne”, or spotty or irritated skin caused by wearing a mask all day.  We see so much “Maskne” now and highly recommend GF2 Mist as it destroys germs and reboots your skin’s normal function, normalising oil secretion and reduces causes of blockage of the oil glands. GF2 also calms any redness and irritation on the skin caused by friction.  We suggest spraying GF2 mist when you are on a break and able to take off your mask as well as am + pm as part of your routine with FTT Skin Routine best for your skin type.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis causes an inflammatory reaction to excess yeast on your skin.  It often looks like cradle cap found around your nose, eyebrows and hairline usually.  Yeast overgrows and your immune system overreacts and an inflammatory response is triggered that results in skin changes. We suggest using GF2 Mist twice a day, morning and night alongside FTT Skin Routine for Dry Skin.

Cold sores

Cold sores are a contra-indication to all our injectable treatments in clinic and we advise waiting until your herpes simplex virus breakout has healed.  With GF2 you’ll see a fast improvement in healing. GF2 has the correct pH to achieve maximum germ-killing power without any negative impact on the skin, eyes or mouth. For best results apply as soon as you feel that Cold Sore tingle, and reapply once an hour.

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