
Dimagra 21day weightloss diet

The daily ration of Dimagra® (Intensive Steps) consists of an intake of a specific amount of proteins, almost complete elimination of carbohydrates (about 21 g daily) and a reduced intake of lipids. With this diet, the body rapidly depletes the available glucose, reducing glycaemia: the immediate consequence is a decreased secretion of insulin. It then uses the liver glycogen that is converted into glucose. When these reserves are exhausted (approximately after 12-24 hours) the steady intake of high biological value proteins leads to the activation of the Liver Gluconeogenesis: glucose production from non – carbohydrate precursors (e.g. amino acids and lipolysis). Thus ketogenesis is activated: the organism uses ketone bodies, produced by the increased metabolism of fatty acids, in place of glucose.

Dimagra 21 Day Weight loss Diet

The daily ration of Dimagra 21 day weight loss diet (Intensive Steps) consists of an intake of a specific amount of proteins, almost complete elimination of carbohydrates (about 21 g daily) and a reduced intake of lipids. With this kind of diet, the body rapidly depletes the available glucose, reducing glycaemia: the immediate consequence is a decreased secretion of insulin. It then uses the liver glycogen that is converted into glucose. When these reserves are exhausted (approximately after 12-24 hours) the steady intake of high biological value proteins leads to the activation of the Liver Gluconeogenesis: glucose production from non – carbohydrate precursors (e.g. amino acids and lipolysis). Thus ketogenesis is activated: the organism uses ketone bodies, produced by the increased metabolism of fatty acids, in place of glucose.

Triple action Dimagra 21 Day Weight loss Diet

  • Lose weight -Reduces the fat mass easily, quickly and safely.
  • Reshape – Gives you a brand new silhouette, a new shape.
  • Detoxify – Helps your body eliminate accumulated toxins.

Unlike low-calories diets, Dimagra® promotes a rapid and significant reduction of weight, especially around waist and hips and in the buttocks and thigh areas.

  • Absence of hunger.
  • Quick result.
  • Loss of fat mass.
  • Muscle mass maintenance.
  • Easy to use.
  • Highest nutritional quality.
  • Pleasant taste.

Your body shape changes daily, cellulite disappears and the skin is improved in tone and brightness!

The Dimagra 21 day weightloss diet is to be used injunction with the FTT Skin Clinics weightloss program.


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