Rough Skin Texture


What is Rough Skin?

Rough skin texture refers to a skin surface that feels uneven or coarse to the touch. This common skin concern can result from various factors, including dryness, dead skin cell accumulation, sun damage, and lack of hydration. It often lacks the smooth, soft feel of healthy skin.

skin concerns

What is Rough Skin Texture?

Rough skin texture is a prevalent skin concern characterized by an uneven, coarse feel to the skin's surface, deviating from the smooth, supple texture associated with healthy skin. At FTT Skin Clinics, we understand that dealing with rough skin texture can be frustrating, as it not only affects the skin's appearance, making it look dull and aged but also impacts how it feels to the touch.

Several factors contribute to rough skin texture. Environmental influences like exposure to the sun and extreme weather conditions can strip the skin of its natural moisture, leading to dryness and flakiness. Aging is another key factor; as we age, our skin's natural exfoliation process slows down, resulting in the accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface. This accumulation contributes to a rough and uneven texture. Additionally, lifestyle choices, such as poor hydration and nutrition, can exacerbate the issue, depriving the skin of essential nutrients and moisture it needs to remain smooth and vibrant.

rough skin texture
rough skin texture

skin concerns

Are you affected?

If you're struggling with rough skin texture, you're not alone, and help is available. FTT Skin Clinics is committed to helping you achieve the best version of your skin. Let us guide you toward a smoother, more luminous complexion. Our expert team is dedicated to diagnosing the underlying causes of your skin concern, utilizing advanced skin analysis techniques to tailor a treatment plan that suits your unique skin needs.


Rough skin texture is characterized by a variety of symptoms that can affect the overall look and feel of your skin. When you touch your skin, it may feel bumpy or irregular, a condition often resulting from the accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface, which disrupts the skin’s smooth texture. Dryness is another common symptom, where the skin appears flaky or scaly due to a lack of moisture. This can be caused by not drinking enough water or not moisturizing properly, stripping the skin of its essential oils. Additionally, a dull appearance is a sign of rough skin texture, with the skin lacking radiance and seeming lifeless, often because dead skin cells block light reflection. Enlarged or visible pores can also indicate rough texture, as excess oil and debris stretch the pores. Lastly, flakiness, characterized by small, dry patches or scales, signals rough texture often due to extreme dryness or irritation.

  • Environmental Factors

Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to UV rays can damage the skin, leading to dryness and premature aging, which contributes to a rougher texture. Climate Conditions: Extreme weather conditions, such as cold and dry winter air or hot and humid summer weather, can deplete the skin’s moisture, exacerbating roughness. Pollution: Airborne pollutants can penetrate the skin, causing oxidative stress that breaks down collagen and elastin, leading to a rough and aged appearance.

  • Physiological Factors

Aging: As we age, our skin’s natural exfoliation process slows down, and the production of collagen decreases, leading to drier, less elastic skin prone to roughness.
Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may be genetically inclined to have drier or thicker skin, which can naturally exhibit a rougher texture. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, especially during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, can affect oil production and skin cell turnover, impacting skin texture.

rough skin texture
rough skin texture
rough skin texture

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes rough skin texture?
Rough skin texture can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental damage, aging, poor skincare habits, and certain skin conditions. It’s often a result of dehydration, accumulation of dead skin cells, or reduced collagen production.

Can diet affect my skin texture? 
Yes, your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining smooth skin. Diets rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamins can improve skin health, while processed foods and sugars might contribute to roughness and other skin issues.

How can I improve my skin texture at home?
Regular gentle exfoliation, consistent hydration, using products with active ingredients like retinol or vitamin C, and protecting your skin from sun damage can significantly improve skin texture.

Is exfoliation necessary for treating rough skin? 
Yes, exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells that can make your skin feel rough. However, it’s important to choose a method that suits your skin type to avoid irritation.

How often should I exfoliate my skin? 
This depends on your skin type and the exfoliation method. Generally, once or twice a week is sufficient for most skin types. Over-exfoliating can damage the skin barrier and worsen texture.

Can rough skin texture be a sign of aging? 
Yes, as skin ages, it loses elasticity and the ability to retain moisture, leading to a rougher texture. Reduced cell turnover also contributes to accumulated dead skin cells.

Do I need to see a dermatologist for rough skin texture? 
If your rough skin texture is persistent and doesn’t improve with at-home care, it’s a good idea to consult a dermatologist. They can identify underlying causes and recommend treatments.

Can hydration improve skin texture? 
Absolutely. Hydrated skin is plumper, smoother, and has a healthier barrier function. Drinking plenty of water and using hydrating skincare products can improve texture.

What professional treatments are available for rough skin texture?
Professional treatments like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy can improve skin texture by promoting cell turnover and collagen production.

How can I prevent rough skin texture?
Preventing rough skin texture involves protecting your skin from the sun, avoiding harsh skincare products, staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and maintaining a consistent skincare routine.

FTT Consultation Award Winning Skin Clinic ONLINE CONSULTATION

Rough Skin Myths

Myth: Only dry skin can have a rough texture.
While dry skin is more prone to roughness due to lack of moisture, other skin types can also experience rough texture. Oily skin can suffer from texture issues due to excess sebum and dead skin cells leading to clogged pores and uneven skin. Combination and normal skin types are not immune to texture concerns, which can arise from external factors like environmental damage or inadequate skincare routines.

Myth: More exfoliation means smoother skin.
Over-exfoliation can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to irritation, sensitivity, and even more texture issues. It’s important to exfoliate appropriately for your skin type and not overdo it. Gentle exfoliation a couple of times a week is usually sufficient for most skin types.

Myth: Drinking water is all you need to fix rough skin texture. 
While staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and can help maintain skin hydration, it’s not a standalone cure for rough skin texture. A comprehensive skincare routine tailored to your skin’s needs, including proper cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection, is essential for addressing texture concerns.

Myth: You can’t wear makeup if you have rough skin texture.
You can still wear makeup if you have rough skin texture, but the key is to prepare the skin properly and choose products that won’t exacerbate the issue. Primers can smooth the skin’s surface, and non-comedogenic, hydrating formulas can provide coverage without clogging pores or highlighting texture.

Myth: Rough skin texture will improve on its own without intervention.
While minor texture issues may improve with time, especially with natural cell turnover, more pronounced texture concerns often require a targeted skincare approach. Using products with active ingredients that promote cell renewal and collagen production, and seeking professional treatments can significantly improve skin texture.

How Can We Help?

At FTT Skin Clinics, we understand how challenging living with rough skin texture can be, affecting not just your skin but also your confidence and well-being. Our dedicated team of skincare professionals is here to help with a range of effective treatments and personalized care plans designed to suit your unique skin type and concerns.


Obagi Blue Peel® is a medical grade skin peel treatment that can only be administered by highly trained nurses, dermatologists, doctors and dentists. The Obagi Blue peel® results in the removal of a thin layers of aged and damaged skin resulting in tightened, less wrinkled, more youthful, clear skin. The Obagi Blue Peel® uses Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) as the active ingredient mixed with the patented Blue Base from Obagi.

The OBAGI BLUE PEEL TCA is a specially formulated chemical peel designed to significantly improve the texture of the skin by removing the top damaged layers, promoting cell renewal. This treatment is effective in addressing rough skin texture caused by aging, sun damage, and environmental effects. The addition of blue dye by Dr. Obagi not only makes the application process safer but also allows for more consistent results by enabling precise control over the peel’s depth. This targeted removal of skin layers stimulates the natural healing process, leading to the production of new, smoother, and healthier skin cells.

At FTT Skin Clinics, we carefully assess each client’s skin condition and goals to determine if the OBAGI BLUE PEEL TCA is the most suitable treatment. The procedure involves applying the TCA solution, enhanced with a blue dye, to the affected areas. The blue dye acts as a guide, ensuring even application and depth of penetration for optimal results. Our skilled practitioners meticulously monitor the peel process to achieve the desired effect without compromising skin safety.

For clients with significant rough texture issues, the OBAGI BLUE PEEL TCA offers a potent solution that can achieve more dramatic improvements than over-the-counter products or less intensive treatments. Its ability to deeply exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin can result in a noticeably smoother, more refined skin texture. Additionally, this peel can be customized to suit different skin types and concerns, making it a versatile option for many clients.

While the OBAGI BLUE PEEL TCA is effective for improving skin texture, it’s not suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain skin conditions, sensitivity, or those who cannot commit to the post-peel care regimen may need to consider alternative treatments. Recovery time and potential for peeling and redness immediately following the treatment are important factors to discuss during the consultation. FTT Skin Clinics prioritizes patient education and safety, ensuring that clients are fully informed of all aspects of their chosen treatment.

Choosing the OBAGI BLUE PEEL TCA at FTT Skin Clinics means opting for a professional, carefully managed approach to improving rough skin texture. With our expertise and commitment to client care, we strive to achieve the best possible outcomes, helping you reveal smoother, healthier-looking skin.

Obagi Blue Peel

Treatment Time

60 Minutes

Visible Results

1 Week

Full Recovery

1 Week


1 Year

Sensitivity Time

10 Days


Topical & Oral

Back to Work

24 Hours

No. of Treatments


Whether you call it dermal needling, collagen induction therapy, or microneedling, there’s one thing for sure all our FTT Skin Clinics staff have the most information, knowledge and expertise on the science behind one of the industry’s hottest trends, as well how to safely get results having been taught by Dr. Lance Setterfield, renowned author and one of the world’s foremost Microneedling experts.

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that targets rough skin texture by promoting the skin’s natural healing process. It involves using fine needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, which stimulates collagen and elastin production. This increase in collagen can smooth out the skin’s surface, reducing the appearance of rough texture, scars, and even fine lines. The procedure effectively rejuvenates the skin from within, leading to a smoother, more youthful appearance.

At FTT Skin Clinics, our approach to microneedling begins with a thorough skin assessment to determine if it’s the right treatment for your specific concerns. During the procedure, a professional-grade microneedling device is used to ensure precise control and uniformity in creating micro-injuries. We focus on areas of concern, adjusting the needle depth according to the skin’s condition and the treatment goals. Our skilled practitioners are meticulous in their technique, aiming for the best results with minimal discomfort.

For clients struggling with rough skin texture, microneedling offers a compelling solution due to its ability to naturally regenerate and repair the skin. Unlike some chemical peels or laser treatments, microneedling is suitable for all skin types, including those with sensitive skin. Its ability to enhance the effectiveness of topical treatments—by increasing their penetration into the skin—further supports the skin’s rejuvenation process.

While microneedling is widely beneficial, it’s not without its considerations. The treatment requires a short downtime, with potential redness and sensitivity post-procedure. It’s crucial for clients to follow a post-care regimen and protect their skin from the sun to ensure optimal healing and results. Those with active acne or certain skin conditions may need to wait until their skin clears or consider alternative treatments. At FTT Skin Clinics, we provide comprehensive pre- and post-treatment care instructions to ensure your skin heals beautifully and achieves the desired smoother texture.

Opting for microneedling at FTT Skin Clinics means choosing a treatment backed by a deep understanding of skin biology and healing processes. Our commitment to delivering personalized care ensures that every client receives a treatment plan tailored to their unique skin needs, paving the way for smoother, more radiant skin.

micro needling

Treatment Time

60 Minutes

Visible Results

1 Week

Full Recovery

24 Hours


Treatment Plan

Sensitivity Time

24 Hours



Back to Work

24 Hours

No. of Treatments


Acne Scarring


What is Acne Scarring?

Acne scarring is a common issue for many who have had severe or long-lasting acne. While some people get through their teen years with just a few pimples, others suffer from acne that can leave deep and noticeable scars. These scars can last for years, serving as a constant reminder of their struggle with acne.

skin concerns

What is Acne Scarring?

Acne scarring is a significant concern for many who've battled with acne, a widespread skin condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. While some navigate their teenage years with minor blemishes, others face a more intense struggle with acne that can lead to deep scars, lasting well into adulthood. Acne scarring not only affects the skin's appearance but can also deeply impact a person's self-confidence. Although there is no definitive cure for acne itself—which involves blackheads, whiteheads, and more severe pus-filled spots—it's crucial to address it early and effectively to prevent scarring. Acne typically starts during puberty but can persist beyond the early twenties for some. The condition results from a combination of clogged pores, excess sebum production, and bacteria on the skin, which together can cause significant and sometimes scarring breakouts.

skin concerns

Are you affected?

Acne scarring is a significant concern for many who have experienced severe or persistent acne, underscoring the importance of specialized treatments and skincare routines tailored to mitigate and heal these scars. FTT Skin Clinics excels in offering advanced solutions for those dealing with acne scarring, providing personalized care designed to not only treat the scars but also prevent future occurrences. Our holistic approach to managing acne scarring includes an in-depth analysis of acne's underlying causes, ensuring we target the scarring at its source for more effective and lasting results. We feature a range of solutions, from cutting-edge topical applications to innovative technological therapies, all customized to suit your specific skin needs and the extent of scarring. Beyond mere treatment, our guidance encompasses comprehensive strategies for acne scar prevention, aiming to sustain clear, smooth skin and avert the recurrence of acne and its lasting marks.


Acne scarring often arises as a direct consequence of the acne formation process. When the skin's tiny hair follicles become clogged with excess sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria, it sets the stage not just for acne but for the scarring that can follow. The development of acne, heavily influenced by hormonal factors like androgens, can lead to inflammation and the subsequent breakdown of surrounding skin tissue. As the body attempts to repair these lesions, it can lead to the uneven skin texture and depressions known as acne scars. Teenagers and young adults are particularly susceptible to this form of scarring due to the hormonal changes experienced during these years. Proactively incorporating acne management strategies and treatments into your skincare routine can significantly mitigate the risk of scarring, fostering the maintenance of smoother, healthier-looking skin.

Hormonal Influences on Acne Scarring

Hormonal fluctuations are a prime catalyst for acne, which, if left untreated or managed poorly, can lead to acne scarring. During puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and even through periods of stress, the body experiences shifts in hormone levels, particularly androgens. These hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin, leading to increased oil production. When this excess oil combines with dead skin cells, it clogs pores, forming acne lesions that can eventually scar the skin. Managing these hormonal surges through lifestyle adjustments, medical treatments, or skincare routines can help mitigate the risk of developing persistent acne and subsequent scarring.

External Factors Contributing to Acne Scarring

Inadequate Skincare and Aggravation:
Improper skincare routines, such as harsh scrubbing, using comedogenic (pore-clogging) products, or neglecting daily cleansing, can exacerbate acne’s severity, increasing the likelihood of scarring. Gentle cleansing and the use of non-comedogenic skincare products are essential in preventing acne lesions that can lead to scars.

Environmental Aggressors:
Pollutants and high humidity levels can also contribute to the clogging of pores. These environmental factors can increase the skin’s oiliness and exacerbate acne conditions, making effective cleansing and protective skincare routines crucial in urban or highly polluted areas to prevent acne and reduce the risk of scarring.

Understanding these causes and taking proactive steps to manage acne effectively are vital in preventing the formation of acne scars. At FTT Skin Clinics, our approach to acne scarring encompasses a deep understanding of these underlying causes, enabling us to offer targeted treatments and preventative strategies tailored to individual needs, promoting healthier skin and minimizing the impact of acne scarring.

acne skin concern causes
scarring skin concern causes
acne skin concern causes

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes acne scarring?
Acne scarring occurs when acne lesions, such as cysts or nodules, damage the skin and the tissue beneath it. As the acne clears, the body tries to repair this damage, leading to scarring.

Are there different types of acne scars?
Yes, there are several types of acne scars, including atrophic (depressed) scars, hypertrophic (raised) scars, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Can acne scars be prevented?
Preventing acne lesions from forming is the best way to prevent acne scars. This involves using the right skincare products, avoiding picking or popping pimples, and seeking early treatment for acne.

How can I treat acne scarring?
Treatment options vary depending on the type and severity of scarring and include topical treatments, chemical peels, laser therapy, microneedling, and, in some cases, surgical procedures.

Do home remedies work for acne scarring?
While some home remedies may help with mild scarring or discoloration, professional treatments are typically more effective for significant acne scarring.

Is it possible to completely remove acne scars?
While some treatments can significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars, completely removing them may not be possible. The goal of treatment is often to improve the appearance of scars, making them less noticeable.

How long does it take to see results from acne scar treatment?
The time it takes to see improvement depends on the type of treatment and the severity of the scarring. Some treatments, like laser therapy, may show results after a few sessions, while others may take several months.

Are acne scar treatments painful?
Some treatments may cause discomfort, but many options involve minimal pain. Your skincare professional can discuss pain management options with you.

Can acne scars worsen over time if untreated?
Untreated acne scars may appear more noticeable as the skin loses collagen with age. However, they don’t necessarily worsen; their visibility can increase due to changes in skin texture and elasticity.

Will insurance cover the cost of acne scar treatment?
Insurance coverage varies. Many consider acne scar treatments cosmetic and may not cover them. It’s important to check with your insurance provider.

Addressing acne scarring requires a personalized approach to determine the most effective treatment plan. At FTT Skin Clinics, our experts are dedicated to providing tailored solutions to help improve the appearance of acne scars, leveraging the latest in skincare advancements for optimal results.

FTT Consultation Award Winning Skin Clinic

Acne Scarring Myths

Myth: Only severe acne can cause scarring:
Even mild acne can lead to scarring if not properly treated or if pimples are picked or popped. The severity of acne doesn’t always predict scarring, as individual skin healing properties also play a significant role.

Myth: Sun exposure will help fade acne scars:
Sun exposure can actually darken acne scars and make them more noticeable. UV rays stimulate melanin production, leading to further discoloration. It’s crucial to protect healing skin with sunscreen.

Myth: Acne scars are entirely preventable:
While early and effective treatment of acne can reduce the likelihood of scarring, some individuals are more prone to scars due to genetics and skin type. Preventative measures can reduce but not always completely prevent scarring.

Myth: Over-the-counter acne products are enough to treat acne scars:
Over-the-counter products may help mild scarring, but more significant scars often require professional treatments such as laser therapy, microneedling, or chemical peels, offered by skincare clinics like FTT Skin Clinics.

Myth: Acne scars are permanent and cannot be treated:
While some acne scars can be challenging to treat, advancements in dermatological treatments have made it possible to significantly improve their appearance. A combination of professional treatments can lead to substantial improvements.

Myth: Picking at acne won’t lead to scarring if done “correctly”:
Picking or attempting to pop acne can cause immediate damage to the skin and increase the risk of infection and scarring. It’s best to leave blemishes alone and let them heal naturally or seek professional treatment.

How Can We Help?

At FTT Skin Clinics, we know how tough it can be to deal with acne scarring. It affects more than just how your skin looks; it can really impact how you feel about yourself. That’s why our skincare experts are here to help, offering the best treatments and personalized plans to fit your skin’s unique needs.


Hydrofacial is a multi-step facial treatment that gently cleanses, exfoliates, extracts impurities, and hydrates the skin using water-based solutions and suction, leaving it refreshed, nourished, and glowing.

The Hydrofacial treatment offers a powerful solution for those dealing with acne scarring, employing a gentle yet effective approach focused on hydration and skin renewal. Here’s why Hydrofacial is a match for acne scar care:

Deep Cleansing and Gentle Exfoliation: Utilizing a lactic acid solution, Hydrofacial softly removes the outermost layer of dead skin, helping to smooth out acne scars without harsh scrubbing. This careful exfoliation is key in promoting a more even skin texture and reducing the appearance of scarring.

Hydration and Nourishment: Scars from acne can leave the skin feeling uneven and textured. The hydrating boost from Hydrofacial treatments infuses the skin with moisture, aiding in the softening and minimizing of acne scars and helping to restore a balanced complexion.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Especially formulated to address the concerns of skin prone to acne and scarring, Hydrofacial includes ingredients like salicylic acid. These components are effective in reducing inflammation and promoting healing, which is crucial in the treatment of acne scars.

Personalized Treatment Plans: At FTT Skin Clinics, customization is at the heart of what we do. Each Hydrofacial treatment is tailored to the individual, with a thorough skin evaluation to ensure the procedure targets your specific scarring concerns. This approach ensures the Hydrofacial not only revitalizes and moisturizes your skin but also directly addresses and improves the appearance of acne scars.

1.2 Hydrofacial
1.1 Hydrofacial

Treatment Time

30 Minutes

Visible Results


Full Recovery



1 Month

Sensitivity Time

Not Avaliable


Not Avaliable

Back to Work


No. of Treatments


Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves creating tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin using fine needles. This minimally invasive treatment is designed to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process, leading to the production of collagen and elastin.

Microneedling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of a device equipped with fine needles. These needles create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, which triggers the body’s natural wound healing processes. This response stimulates collagen and elastin production, crucial components in maintaining the skin’s structure and elasticity. By promoting the regeneration of new skin cells, microneedling can effectively improve the texture and appearance of the skin.

At FTT Skin Clinics, microneedling is utilized as a targeted treatment for acne scarring. The procedure’s ability to boost collagen production is particularly beneficial for acne scars, which often result from the loss of skin tissue. As the skin heals from the microneedling process, it becomes firmer and smoother, reducing the depth and visibility of scars. The increased collagen can also help to fill in indented scars or depressions left by acne, creating a more even skin surface.

Moreover, the tiny channels created by the microneedling process allow for better absorption of topical treatments. This means that any serums or skincare products applied post-procedure can penetrate deeper into the skin, enhancing their effectiveness. FTT Skin Clinics may combine microneedling with specific serums or growth factors that are known to aid in scar reduction and skin repair, further optimizing the treatment’s outcomes for acne scarring.

Tailored specifically to each client’s needs, microneedling sessions at FTT Skin Clinics can be adjusted in terms of needle depth and frequency, ensuring that the treatment is as effective as possible for the type and severity of acne scarring being addressed. With a series of treatments, patients can see significant improvements in the appearance of acne scars, leading to smoother, healthier-looking skin and a boost in confidence.

micro needling

Treatment Time

30 Minutes

Visible Results

6 Weeks

Full Recovery

48 Hours


1 Year

Sensitivity Time

Up to 48 Hours


Local Injection

Back to Work

24 Hours

No. of Treatments

Treatment Plan

One of the cornerstone treatments we offer for managing and alleviating acne is professional extractions. This procedure involves carefully clearing clogged or obstructed pores, including blackheads, whiteheads, and the various forms of acne blemishes that can mar the skin’s appearance.

Extractions, a fundamental component of acne treatment, involve the careful removal of clogged pores, including blackheads, whiteheads, and other forms of acne lesions. While extractions themselves do not directly treat acne scars, they play a crucial preventative role at FTT Skin Clinics. By professionally removing acne-causing blockages, extractions help to prevent the formation of new acne lesions that could potentially lead to scarring.

In the context of acne scarring treatment, extractions are used to clear the skin of existing acne, creating a cleaner, more receptive surface for subsequent acne scar treatments. A clear complexion is essential for the effectiveness of treatments aimed at reducing acne scars, such as chemical peels, microneedling, and laser therapy. By minimizing active acne outbreaks, these treatments can work more effectively, promoting the skin’s healing process and the reduction of visible scars.

At FTT Skin Clinics, our skincare professionals understand the importance of treating acne at its source to prevent future scarring. Extractions are performed with precision and care, ensuring that the skin is not damaged in the process, which could otherwise contribute to scarring. Following extractions, our experts may recommend a tailored treatment plan that includes procedures specifically designed to target acne scars, helping to improve the skin’s texture and appearance.

Through a combination of extractions and targeted scar treatments, FTT Skin Clinics offers a comprehensive approach to managing acne and minimizing the risk of scarring. This holistic strategy ensures that clients not only achieve clearer skin but also address the underlying causes of acne, preventing new scars from forming and treating existing scars for healthier, smoother skin.


Treatment Time

30 Minutes

Visible Results


Full Recovery

24 Hours


24 Hours

Sensitivity Time

24 Hours



Back to Work


No. of Treatments


The newest treatment within the Medical Aesthetics Space, forecasted to be one of the biggest and most popular this year. Polynucleotides target your skin cells producing Collagen and Elastin to give your skin the plumpness and youthful bounce it desires, as well as smoothing our skin and wrinkles.

By targeting skin cells responsible for producing Collagen and Elastin, Polynucleotides offer a dynamic solution to revitalize your skin, restoring its plumpness and youthful resilience while smoothing out the texture, including the crepey skin and wrinkles often resulting from acne scarring.

Acne scars, a common aftermath of severe or improperly treated acne, can leave the skin with uneven textures and depressions. The Polynucleotide treatment works by stimulating the fibroblasts in the skin, promoting cell renewal and enhanced collagen production. Made from purified fragments of fish DNA extracted from salmon or trout sperm—which closely mirrors human DNA—this treatment excels in encouraging skin repair and renewal, making it exceptionally suitable for those grappling with the visual remnants of acne.

By providing a boost in collagen and elastin synthesis, Polynucleotides effectively improve the skin’s elasticity and firmness, gradually reducing the appearance of indented acne scars and contributing to a smoother skin surface. Additionally, this treatment addresses skin dehydration and laxity, conditions that can exacerbate the appearance of acne scarring, by enhancing the skin’s hydration and overall tone.

At FTT Skin Clinics, the Polynucleotide treatment is not limited to the facial area. It can be applied to the neck, hands, décolletage, knees, and chest—areas where signs of aging and the effects of acne scarring can be most prominent. Beyond skin renewal, this advanced treatment also targets unstable molecules that accelerate the aging process, providing an all-encompassing solution for rejuvenated, healthier-looking skin.

For individuals seeking an effective remedy for acne scarring, Polynucleotides represent a promising option, offering a path to diminish scars and enhance skin quality. Each treatment session is tailored to the individual’s skin concerns, ensuring a personalized approach to achieving and maintaining smooth, revitalized skin.


Treatment Time

30 Minutes

Visible Results

6 Weeks

Full Recovery

48 Hours


3 Months

Sensitivity Time

48 Hours



Back to Work

24 Hours

No. of Treatments



At Home Acne Scarring Care Tips

At FTT Skin Clinics, we empower you with practical tips to manage acne scarring and enhance the effectiveness of your skincare efforts. For those enduring the psychological impact of acne scarring, seeking support and adopting a positive skincare mindset are essential steps towards healing both skin and self-esteem.

Complementing our clinic treatments, we offer a wide range of skincare products designed to enhance and prolong the effects of your professional sessions. Our experts can recommend products tailored to your skin type, ensuring a seamless transition between clinic treatments and at-home care.

Your At-Home Skincare Routine for Acne Scarring

We believe in empowering you with the knowledge and tools for effective at-home skincare. Our specialists provide guidance on incorporating at-home treatments into your routine, ensuring continuity between clinic visits.

At FTT Skin Clinics, our commitment extends beyond the clinic doors. We are dedicated to supporting you at every step, from in-depth skin analyses to personalized treatments and ongoing skincare guidance. Discover the transformative potential of our treatments and embrace the journey to clear, radiant, and healthy skin. Break free from acne’s cycle with our evidence-based treatments and dedicated support, guiding you towards scar free, confident skin.

Sun Protection:

Protecting your skin from the sun is crucial. UV exposure can darken acne scars and make them more visible. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily to protect your skin and help prevent the darkening of scars.

Topical Treatments:

Over-the-counter creams and gels containing ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, niacinamide, and salicylic acid can help reduce acne scars by promoting cell turnover and collagen production, and reducing inflammation.

Gentle Exfoliation:

Regular, gentle exfoliation can remove dead skin cells and promote new cell growth. Products containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) can be particularly effective. However, be careful not to over-exfoliate, as this can irritate your skin and worsen scars.

Natural Remedies:

Some natural ingredients have properties that may help reduce the appearance of acne scars. Aloe vera, for example, is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying aloe vera gel directly to scars may help to soften and reduce them. Honey, particularly raw honey, is another natural ingredient that can be applied to scars due to its antibacterial and healing properties.


Keeping your skin well-hydrated can improve its texture and reduce the appearance of acne scars. Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated without clogging your pores.

Avoid Picking and Touching:

Picking at scars or acne can worsen scarring by damaging the skin further. It’s important to resist the urge to pick and to keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.


FTT Skin Clinics – Pigmentation Treatments.

Formulation of freckles and pigmentation of the skin is caused by the exposure to Sunlight, UV damage as well as problems linked to poor melanin function which can lead to hyperpigmentation (dark spots or patches) or depigmentation (light spots or patches). Freckles and pigmentation is not a skin concern however due to preference, especially the older we get, many would like to clear their skin of this formulation.

Types of Pigmentation.

Two most common types of pigmentation are Hyperpigmentation or Depigmentation. Both formulation are treatable formulation on the face as well as the neck and chest area.

Symptom Check

Are you concerned or would like to clear your pigmentation? Check our Pigmentation and Freckle Symptom Check List below.

  • Large Patches of Darkened Skin.
  • Spots or Patches.
  • Discolouration of areas of the skin.
  • Uneven appearance of the skin  could be the beginning of a pigmented area.

As a medical skin care provider, we offer a full complimentary initial skin analysis with our medical skin experts to begin your skin health journey. We will assess, diagnose, treat and prescribe you through your bespoke skin journey treatment plan, as well as reviewing your skin concerns progress every 4-6 weeks.

What can we do to help?

At FTT Skin Clinics we offer a variety of in clinic and at home pigmentation treatments. These help to minimise and erase the skin concern, face and body. Prior diagnosis, at FTT we carry out a full skin analysis during your consultation before creating your bespoke treatment plan.

In clinic treatment plans include IPL Skin Rejuvenation and Laser Treatments. Both treatments use a high powered computer controlled flash gun to deliver an intense broad spectrum pulse of light. Both treatment have minimum down time with result proven in 4-6 weeks.


As well as building your bespoke treatment plan in clinic, the basis for great skin health is your at home skin care plan. Combining your at home treatment plan with in clinic bespoke facials will maximise your desired skin results. As well as our FTT Skin Ritual depending on the severity of your skin condition, we offer our FTT Expert Skin Prescription Service to prescribe you with the right skin medication in more severe diagnoses cases including Obagi Nu Derm System, Obagi- C Rx System & Tretinoin.

Pigmentation Freckles Skin ConcernsPigmentation Freckles Skin Concerns



What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious skin condition characterized by an accelerated cycle of skin cell growth. This rapid proliferation results in the formation of thick, red, scaly patches on the skin’s surface. Affecting millions globally, psoriasis is not merely a cosmetic concern but a serious health issue that can impact a person’s quality of life.

It tends to start in early adulthood however can appear later in adulthood. Those of any age, gender or race can suffer from the skin condition and can either get progressively worse or better with age. Like other skin conditions it can affect the majority of places over the body, some more common than others.

Types of Psoriasis

There are a variety of types of Psoriasis, some more common than others.

  • Plaque: 80% off Psoriasis cases.
  • Scalp: 45%-56% of Psoriasis Cases.
  • Nail: 50% of Psoriasis Cases.
  • Guttate, Inverse, Erythrodermic and Pustular Psoriasis.

Plaque Psoriasis: The Most Common Form:

Plaque psoriasis, characterized by raised, red patches covered with a silvery-white buildup of dead skin cells, is the most common type. These plaques often cause itching and discomfort.

Guttate, Inverse, and Other Varieties:

Other types include guttate psoriasis, marked by small, dot-like lesions, inverse psoriasis affecting folds of the skin, and pustular psoriasis, which involves pus-filled blisters.

Symptom Check for psoriasis.

If you’re concerned you may suffer from the skin concern, take our system check below:

  • Rashes – Depending on person this can vary in characteristics from patches to scaling spots covering the majority of the body.
  • Grey & silver scaling – This can appear in purple tone or pink/red depending on the skin tone.
  • Dry, cracked skin – This can also bleed in more severe cases.
  • Itching & tenderness.

The symptoms of psoriasis vary depending on the type but commonly include red patches of skin covered with thick, silvery scales, dry or cracked skin that may bleed, and itching or soreness. Psoriasis is often confused with eczema or dermatitis. However, its well-defined borders and the presence of thick scales can help in its identification.

How can we help?

Although the skin condition cannot be cleared or cured, Psoriasis can be managed and controlled when flare up’s occur or to help prevent. As a medical skin care provider, we offer a full complimentary initial skin analysis with our medical skin experts to begin your skin health journey to help your Psoriasis. We will assess, diagnose, treat and prescribe you through your full treatment plan, as well as reviewing your skin concerns progress. Psoriasis can be controlled with a combination of in clinic treatments and a home products.

In Clinic Treatments

IPL: IPL Skin Rejuvenation uses high powered computer controlled flash gun to deliver broad spectrum pulses of light. This treatment stimulates the skin to naturally regenerate whilst boosting collagen production.

LED Light Therapy: Incorporating professional-grade LED Light Therapy offers skin rejuvenation, reduces inflammation, breakouts, post inflammatory scarring as well as improving your overall skin health quality.

Calecim: Enhance your skin’s healing capacity with Advanced Stem Cell Technology, stimulating, repairing and regenerating damaged skin. Calecim professional serum can be in-cooperated into your Bespoke Treatment plan to help with skin regeneration and restoration.

At Home Treatment Plans

Your at home treatment plan is the basis to great skin health with long lasting results. At FTT we offer our Expert Obagi Skin Prescription Service to prescribe you with the right skin medication in more severe diagnoses cases, including a variety of topical creams.




FTT Skin Clinics – Hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis otherwise known as excessive sweating, is a common concern which can effect areas of the body, regardless of age, gender and sex. We sweat when our body needs to cool down. If you are sweating excessively when your body is of normal temperature you may have Hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating can be uncomfortable and make those self-conscious. Here at FTT Skin Clinics we offer treatment to control and manage your sweating.

Common Areas of Hyperhidrosis.

  • Armpits (Axillary Hyperhidrosis).
  • Palm of Hands (Palmer Hyperhidrosis).
  • Palms of Feet.

Symptom Check.

Are you concerned you may suffer from Hyperhidrosis? Take our Symptom Check below.

  • Suddenly begin to sweat more than usual.
  • Excessive sweating when your body does not need to cool down (Is of a normal temperature).
  • Sweating during the night – Not related to disrupted sleep.
  • Excessive sweating in the palms when neither stressed or nerves.

Hyperhidrosis may be a side effect of an underlying health issue. We advise before coming to see us for treatment to check with your GP before.


Hyperhidrosis can affect people not just physically but emotionally, impacting self-esteem and social lives. With the right diagnosis and treatment plan, our skin experts and nurses at FTT are here to help, support and advise you to make those next steps for improved skin health.

What can we do to help?

Here at FTT we offer in an in clinic treatment plan to help you manage and control your Hyperhidrosis.


InjectionsUsing injections will control and manage your excessive sweating in areas of the armpit and palms of feet and hands. This will control the over-active sweat glands in these common areas and in most cases stop the sweating all together. A non-invasive treatment safe treatment with 0 downtime. Results will start to show 2 to 3 weeks after your first treatment in clinic.

This treatment can improve patients overall physical and emotionally health as you no longer need to be conscious of the discomfort and smell of excess sweating. In some cases the treatment can eradicate the usage and need for deodorants.




Skin Cancer

FTT Skin Clinics – Skin Cancer Awareness.

As part of raising awareness for Skin Cancer, at FTT Skin Clinics we can assist and guide you on how to stay safe in the sun as well as carrying out skin health checks using a variety of specialist equipment in clinics. May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of protecting and maintain your skin’s health as well as understanding signs. Please note at FTT we cannot diagnose types of skin cancer but can assist and help you recognise the signs of UV damage as well as guiding you on your self-check process.

How can we help.

By using a variety of specialist technology in clinic as part of your Skin Consultation, our Nurses and experts will guide you through our in clinic Skin Analysis, detecting severity of UV damage as well as any new or existing lesions which appear on the face or body. After your Skin Consultation with us, we will also devise your Bespoke Treatment Plan to help to maintain the best possible health and protection for your skin.

FTT Skin Analysis.

By using a variety of specialist technology in clinic as part of your Skin Consultation, our Nurses and experts will guide you through our in clinic Skin Analysis, detecting severity of UV damage as well as any new or existing lesions which appear on the face or body. After your Skin Consultation with us, we will also devise your Bespoke Treatment Plan to help to maintain the best possible health and protection for your skin.


Our handheld Dermatoscope used in clinics allows for magnified inspection of new or existing lesions which may appear on the skin. By using this as part of your Skin Analysis we can check for any new concerns which may appear, including size, colour and shape. By coming into clinic for this check allows us to assess lesions which may be missed by yourself as well as referral for uncertainties.

Any new lesions or existing lesions which have been diagnosed as non-cancerous can also be removed in clinic with treatments including Plasma Lesion Removal. A non-invasive treatment with effective immediate results.

FTT Skin Protection.

One of the most common skin concerns we see in clinic is UV damage and pigmentation. After your in depth Skin Consultation with Analysis, our Nurses and experts will devise an in clinic and at home treatment plan for you. Don’t forget UVA waves can still penetrate through windows and clouds, this is why it is so important to stay protected all year round Including in all our at home FTT treatment plan.

Skin cancer awareness



FTT Skin Clinics – Melasma Skin Treatments.

Melasma is common skin concern, more commonly developed in Woman with darker skin tones. Melasma frequently develops due to a change of hormones during pregnancy and after. If your skin is susceptible to tanning, developing pigmentation whilst exposed to the sun, you may be more likely to develop this skin concern. Melasma is commonly recognised as brown/grey patches of pigmentation primarily on the face, but can also appear on the upper lip, bridge of nose, cheeks and the forehead. The skin condition is neither harmful nor painful but appearance of Melasma can bother those affected.

Types of Melasma

  • Epidermal – Dark Brown patches with well-defined border.
  • Dermal – Light Brown or Bluish Patches with a less defined border.
  • Mixed – Most common type of Melasma, characterised with light and dark brown patches and bluish discoloration.

Symptom Check

Are you concerned you may suffer from one of the above types of Melasma? Take our Melasma Symptom Check.

  • Discoloured Patches of Skin.
  • Triggers to Sun Exposure.
  • Skin Inflammation.
  • Newly appeared during pregnancy.
  • Appears on the cheeks, chin, upper lip, forehead and upper arms.

What can we do to help?

As a medical skin care provider, we offer a full complimentary initial skin analysis with our medical skin experts to begin your skin health journey. We will assess, diagnose, treat and prescribe you through your full treatment plan in clinic and at home, as well as reviewing your skin concerns progress. Our FTT In clinic treatment plans include IPL Skin Rejuvenation and Laser Treatments. Both treatments use a high powered computer controlled flash gun to deliver an intense broad spectrum pulse of light. Both treatments have minimum down time with results proven in 4-6 weeks.

As well as building your bespoke treatment plan in clinic, the basis for great skin health is your at home skin care plan. Combining your at home treatment plan with IPL treatment will maximize your desired skin results. As well as our FTT Skin Ritual depending on the severity of your skin condition, we offer our FTT Expert Skin Prescription Service to prescribe you with the right skin medication in more severe diagnoses cases including Obagi Nu Derm System, & Tretinoin.

Skin Concerns Melasma

Blackheads Xanthelasma

Dark Circles

Dark Circles Around the Eyes

Dark Circles Around the EyesDark circles under the eyes are a widespread concern that can affect anyone, regardless of age or lifestyle. These unwelcome shadows make us look tired, older, and less vibrant. We understand the complexities behind dark circles and offer a holistic approach to diminishing them. Dark circles are a common skin issue that arises as a result of aging, tiredness, or a poor diet. At FTT Skin Clinics, we offer a wide range of both clinical, and at home solutions to tackle dark under eye circles and improve skin elasticity.

Understanding Dark Circles

Dark circles are more than just a sign of tiredness; they are a multi-faceted skin issue influenced by various factors, including aging, genetics, and lifestyle habits. The skin around our eyes is incredibly delicate, making it more susceptible to changes in pigmentation, loss of volume, and the appearance of shadows.

Why do we have Darks Circles?

  • Increased Pigmentation: Melanin production can contribute to the darker appearance of the skin under the eyes.
  • Volume Loss: Aging and environmental factors can reduce the fat pads under the eyes, exacerbating the look of dark circles.
  • Allergies: Sinus congestion can cause blood to pool under the eyes, leading to dark, puffy eyelids.
  • Skin Conditions: Eczema and other skin issues can lead to inflammation and darkening of the under-eye area.

Who is Affected?

Dark circles don’t discriminate. They can appear in adolescents as well as the elderly, impacting various ethnic backgrounds and those with a genetic predisposition.

Those prone to dark circles under the eyes include:

  • The elderly (but they are also a common complaint in adolescents).
  • People of non-white ethnic background.
  • People with a genetic predisposition to dark circles under the eyes.

Dark circles can be attributed to by volume loss under the eyes. As you age, your skin naturally loses its elasticity and becomes more fragile due to loss of fat in the fat pads under your eyes. Volume loss can also occur prematurely in young people due to high UV exposure, poor diet and lifestyle, lack of sleep, or due to inherited traits.

The second leading cause of dark circles are allergies. Congestion in your sinuses leads to congestion in the small veins under your eyes. The blood pools under your eyes and these swollen veins dilate and darken, creating dark circles and puffiness.

Another cause of dark circles can be atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema. When flare ups of itchy inflamed skin occurs under the eyes, damage can result from scratching and irritating the delicate skin tissue, results in dark patches under the eyes, in combination with pigmentation and natural thinning of the skin as you age.

What can we do to help?

Correct Diagnosis of Dark Circles

  • Personal, Medical & Family History
  • Physical Examination
  • Wood Lamp Evaluation – Allows our clinicians to assess the depth of skin concern

In Clinic Treatments

 Combine our Iridium Eye Contour Mask into your FTT Bespoke Facial. Pressotheraphy, otherwise known as Lymphatic Drainage, is a non-invasive treatment to enhance the flow of your Lymphatics system around the eye area. This amazing treatment massages out any excess puffiness around your eyes as well as increasing the energy flow to give a brighter and less tired look.

Tear Trough Filler treatment will restore loss of volume, reduce dark circles as well as smoothing out any fat or tissue splits under the eye area. This treatment using minimal Dermal Filler will give you natural looking results with a fresher, less tired – looking appearance. Tear Trough filler treatment will last up to 12 months.

  • Exilis Eyes – Radio Frequency

Radio Frequency a clinical treatment around the eyes using Exilis Exite heats the skin to cause collagenases to tighten and add volume back to under eye hollows. This non-invasive treatment helps get rid of any under eye crepe or crow’s feet lines. For your treatment plan we advise 4 sessions every 2 weeks to kick start your results.

At Home Product Plan

 At FTT we offer a number of skin care products to help tackle dark circles and under eye concerns to combine with your in clinic treatment plan.

  • Topical Creams – Using twice a day AM & PM both from the FTT Skin Range and Obagi UK.
  • Vitamin Based Creams – Vitamin A, E, K & C are all important to in cooperate into your skin care routine and all play an important role in repairing and improving your skin’s health. Vitamins and retinols will cause repair and rejuvenation of the skin.
  • Collagen Stimulation Products – Using collagen and elastin stimulation products around the eyes will improve any snap reflex – where the skin pings back.

FAQs on Dark Circles

Can lifestyle changes reduce dark circles?

Yes, improving sleep, reducing UV exposure, and maintaining a healthy diet can mitigate dark circles.

Are dark circles always a sign of aging?

While aging can exacerbate dark circles, they can also result from genetics, allergies, and lifestyle factors.

How quickly can I see results from treatments?

Results vary based on the treatment type and individual skin conditions. Some treatments offer immediate improvements, while others require a series of sessions.

Can sleeping more reduce dark circles?

Improving sleep quality can help minimize dark circles. Lack of restful sleep often exacerbates the appearance of dark circles, making the under-eye area appear more hollow and discolored.

How do genetics influence dark circles?

Genetics play a significant role in the development of dark circles. If your family members have dark circles, you’re more likely to have them too, due to hereditary factors affecting skin pigmentation and under-eye structure.

Are dark circles linked to dehydration?

Yes, dehydration can cause dark circles to appear more pronounced. When the body lacks adequate hydration, the skin under the eyes becomes dull and sunken, highlighting dark circles.

Can diet affect dark circles?

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can impact the appearance of dark circles. Nutrient deficiencies, particularly in vitamins K, C, and E, can worsen the visibility of dark circles under the eyes.

How effective are home remedies for dark circles?

While home remedies can offer temporary relief for dark circles, they often do not address the underlying causes. For lasting results, clinical treatments combined with a proper skincare regimen are recommended.

Do eye creams really work for dark circles?

Eye creams formulated with active ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, and caffeine can improve the appearance of dark circles by increasing collagen production, improving blood circulation, and reducing pigmentation.

Can sun exposure worsen dark circles?

Yes, excessive sun exposure can aggravate dark circles by increasing melanin production, leading to further darkening of the under-eye area. Wearing sunscreen and protective eyewear can help prevent this.

Is it possible to prevent dark circles?

While you can’t always prevent dark circles, especially if they’re genetically predisposed, you can minimize their appearance by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, using sunscreen, staying hydrated, and following a targeted skincare routine.

How long does it take to see results from treatments for dark circles?

The time it takes to see improvements in dark circles varies depending on the treatment method and individual skin conditions. Some may notice changes within a few weeks, while others might require several months for significant results.

Are there any risks associated with treatments for dark circles?

As with any cosmetic treatment, there are potential risks involved. However, choosing experienced professionals for procedures like dermal fillers or laser therapy can minimize complications and ensure the best outcomes for reducing dark circles.

How do lifestyle habits impact dark circles?

Lifestyle habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and lack of sleep can significantly impact the severity of dark circles. These habits can impair blood circulation and lead to skin damage, worsening the appearance of dark circles.

Are dark circles more common in certain skin tones?

Dark circles can affect all skin tones, but they may be more noticeable in people with lighter or thinner skin under the eyes. This visibility is due to the contrast between the dark circles and the surrounding skin color.

Can dark circles be permanently removed?

While some treatments can significantly reduce the appearance of dark circles, a permanent solution depends on the underlying cause. For some, combining professional treatments with lifestyle changes can offer long-lasting results, but maintenance may be necessary.

Can certain allergies exacerbate dark circles?

Allergies are a common culprit behind dark circles. They can cause the area under the eyes to appear darker and more swollen due to inflammatory responses and congestion in the nasal passages, which affects blood flow around the eyes.

Is it true that dark circles can be a sign of underlying health issues?

In some cases, dark circles can indicate underlying health concerns, such as thyroid problems. However, most often, dark circles are not a sign of serious medical conditions but rather a cosmetic concern related to lifestyle factors or genetics.


Dark circles are a complex issue, but with the right combination of professional treatments and at-home care, it’s possible to significantly reduce their appearance. At FTT Skin Clinics, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve brighter, more youthful eyes free from the burden of dark circles.

Contact us

Blackheads Xanthelasma

Menopausal Skin

What is Menopausal skin?

The Menopausal skin time of life begins 12 months after a woman’s last period. This triggers changes throughout the body, hair but also your skin. Post-menopause changes and skin concerns are mainly all a result of the declining hormone Estrogen. When this hormone declines, water retention, hydration and collagen production also drops as a result. Here at FTT Skin Clinics we offer a range of in clinic treatments and at home skin care. To maximise your well-being and skin’s health during these unfamiliar changes.

Symptoms of Menopausal Skin Concerns.

  • Loss of Volume and Plumpness of Skin – When our hormone levels drop, our collagen production decreases with it. We lose that youthful, hydrated bounce to our skin, most commonly around the cheek & jowls area of the face. Tissue & skin may start to sag as well as lose its tightness.
  • Skin Irritation – Due to decreased skin hydration you may find your skin being more dry than usual, flakey texture as well as irritable. If your skin looks red or rashy, we advise seeing your doctor first.
  • Dark Spots or Age Spots – Age & dark spots appear commonly after menopausal change. This may look like a change in pigmentation of your skin.
  • Excess/Unwanted Facial Hair – Most commonly developed on the upper lip, chin, lower part of the face
  • Post-Menopausal Acne Breakout – Unfortunately even if you are someone who has not suffered from acne prior, decreasing Estrogen can trigger Acne breakouts.

What can we do to help Menopausal Skin?

As a medical skin care provider, we offer a full complimentary initial skin analysis with our medical skin experts to begin your skin health journey to help your Menopausal Skin. We will assess, diagnose, treat and prescribe you through your full treatment plan, as well as reviewing your skin concerns progress. Post-menopausal skin can be treated with a combination of in clinic treatments and a home products.

Dermal FillersDermal Fillers are used to add volume and structure to the face by restoring lost volume, smoothing out wrinkles ae well as reducing and reversing the signs of aging.

EllanseEllanse naturally regenerates volume and restores the shape that time has taken away.

Exilis Skin TighteningRadio Frequency skin tightening has become one of the most revolutionary developments in the world of non-surgical cosmetic procedures. This innovative, non-invasive treatment is ideal for treating mild to moderate sagging skin.

RF Microneedlinga combination of Radio Frequency and Microneedling, two treatments which have set the medical aesthetics industry alight helping reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin and stretch marks.

Electrolysis – A permanent hair removal solution which destroys the growth cells in hair follicles.

FTT Bespoke Facial TreatmentDiscuss and devise the best Bespoke Facial treatment plan tailored to your skins health & needs. Our skin experts will, help, guide & advise the best skin plan for you.

As well as building your Bespoke facial and treatment plan in clinic, we have our FTT Expert Skin Prescription Service to prescribe you with the right skin medication in more severe diagnoses cases. Your at home treatment plan is the bases for great skin health and success.

Skin Concerns Menopausal skin


What is Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma, characterized by yellow growths around the eyes, is a condition where cholesterol deposits accumulate under the skin. Xanthelasma, also known as xanthelasma palpebrarum (XP), is a distinctive manifestation that frequently appears near the corners of the eyelids adjacent to the nose. Xanthelasma is often associated with various health indicators, including diabetes, high cholesterol, and thyroid issues.

Xanthelasma is a skin concern many people are unaware of or goes undiagnosed. Characterised by yellowy bumpy patches around the corner of the eyes and on the eyelids, Xanthelasma is a soft, fatty deposit that forms under the skin. Even though it is rare, the skin concern is more common in woman than men in their 40’s & 50’s. Neither painful nor harmful, however it can be the sign of an underlying health condition. Before coming into the clinic, we advise you to go to GP prior to have this checked, as well as having your bloods checked.

For those affected by Xanthelasma, understanding its implications is crucial. Xanthelasma, while harmless in itself, can serve as a visual sign of underlying conditions. Xanthelasma’s presence may suggest a need for closer monitoring of heart health, especially since it is linked to potential future issues like heart disease, heart attack, and atherosclerosis.

Diagnosis of Xanthelasma?

The diagnosis of Xanthelasma is straightforward, typically requiring a visual examination by a healthcare provider. Tests may be recommended to check cholesterol levels, thyroid function, blood sugar, and liver function. When it comes to Xanthelasma, awareness of associated risk factors is vital. Factors such as being assigned female at birth, being overweight, using tobacco products, having diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of high cholesterol or Xanthelasma can contribute to its occurrence.

Addressing Xanthelasma often involves its removal by a healthcare provider. The preferred method for Xanthelasma removal is often liquid nitrogen cryotherapy. Other options include surgery, laser surgery, radiofrequency ablation, chemical peel, and extreme heat treatments. It’s important to note that Xanthelasma treatments may have side effects, including skin color changes, scars, pain, and eyelid alterations.

Symptoms of Xanthelasma.

  • Yellowy/off white fatty deposits in the corner of the eye or on the eyelids.
  • Vary in shapes and sizes.
  • Raised, soft bumps.

Sometimes Xanthelasma can go misdiagnosed as Milia (Please see skin concern page on Milia), both have similar characteristics however are very different in diagnosis.

What can we do to help?

For the majority of cases, Xanthelasma is completely harmless. However due to its appearance it may be something you decide you want to have removed. Unfortunately the skin concern will not disappear overtime but may increase in size at a steady rate.

Plasma Shower

We have a variety of in non-invasive Xanthelasma removal treatments including Electrolysis and Plasma Non-Surgical. Using an ionised gas, Plasma removes all organic matter from the surface of the skin. Please see our treatment page on Plasma Non-Surgical for further information on this treatment. Xanthelasma removal treatment is both extremely effective and non-invasive with minimal treatment sessions required.Equipment for advanced electrolysis hair removal, skin tags, thread veins

Prior your both treatments we will carry out a full complimentary skin consultation with analysis to discuss the best treatment for you. Although it is an uncommon skin concern, here at FTT our advanced practitioners are here to help, guide & advise you through your skin concerns treatment plan.  If you are concerned about having Xanthelasma or unsure of what it may be, please book an appointment with your GP prior coming into clinic.

While Xanthelasma doesn’t pose an immediate health risk, seeking timely treatment is essential for those concerned about its appearance. Regular follow-up appointments after Xanthelasma removal are recommended, providing an opportunity for healthcare providers to monitor recovery and address any side effects.

Additionally, individuals with Xanthelasma are encouraged to adopt heart-healthy practices, as directed by their healthcare providers, to mitigate potential future health issues. In essence, Xanthelasma, though primarily a cosmetic concern, warrants attention and proactive management for overall well-being.